How to Add WooCommerce Extra Product Options (Add-Ons)

October 22, 2024,
How to Add WooCommerce Extra Product Options (Add-Ons)

Are you in search of ways to make your WooCommerce shopping experience an unforgettable one? If yes, then you are not alone in the market as every online store is striving to do so. These ultimate experiences are only possible to offer to your store visitors when your website is worth exploring and interacting with.

WooCommerce product extra options are a must-have today when the competition is rapidly growing and it becomes difficult to survive for many online stores. Product add-ons are simply a way to offer your web users great personalization and customization.

By offering great levels of customization, you are ensuring that your customers return to you in the future. By improving your WooCommerce site for these product options and add-ons, you are paving the way for improved traffic and sales. 

In this blog, we will discuss why WooCommerce product options are important and how to add these product add-ons to your WooCommerce site.

Keep reading to explore in-depth!

Why Add Extra Product Addons For WooCommerce?

There are multiple ways and methods introduced for eCommerce sites to maximize the user experiences and these methods keep on adding every day.  Product addons for WooCommerce is one such example that brings a lot of benefits to your online business. 

The following are some compelling reasons why you should consider adding WooCommerce extra product options:

  • Offers Customization

If you are an online store selling customizable products, then you must let the customers customize their preferences. Providing product add-on options will allow customers to customize their orders for products based on their personal preferences. With multiple product fields, you can maximize the customization levels. The higher the number of product addon fields, the higher will be the customization.

  • Improves Sales

If your web user is able to find their desired products with the additional requirements, then they will stick to your website and place an order. These additional product options provide the user with the options they are looking for. Moreover, personalization makes the product as per the actual user needs which maximizes your sales.

  • Better User Experience

The multiple WooCommerce product options are not just a way to offer customization and personalization, but they also add to the user experience. These add-ons make your website interactive for the user, and with each interaction, the user is allowed to share their views. With the say of users in the products they wish to buy, brand loyalty, trust, user satisfaction, and better user experiences are achieved. 

  • Upsell Products

With the opportunities available for the buyers to add extra product options and buy the products with the combination of other similar products, you are upselling. By offering your buyers products that are similar and can complement the product, and adding more product features, you can improve the sales for other products.

  • Smooth Ordering Process

The ordering process and checkout play a significant part in the order completion and the cart abandonment rates. With the opportunity for your customers to customize their orders by offering multiple product add-on options, you are ensuring the ordering process is streamlined and smooth. The user does not have to switch back and forth from multiple pages to select their product preferences and choices.

Types Of Product Add-On Fields WooCommerce Must Offer

The greater the number of Add-on field options, the higher will be the customization level for the user. The plugin you will choose to add extra product options must have multiple field types.

Here are some must-have product field types:

  • Text: This text field lets the customer add any custom note for the product they want to buy.
  • Number: It is one of the important product add-on field types that allows the user the option to customize the product based on numeric values. For example, the product's width and height preferences.
  • Telephone: A useful field when the purchase involves an appointment. This type of field is beneficial for marketing purposes.
  • Select: This field lets the user choose from dropdown options to set the preferences for the products, such as the size, and shipping methods.
  • Multiselect: This field allows the user to choose multiple preferences for a single product from a list of dropdown options.
  • Checkbox:  With this option, the customer can add or remove any product add-ons just by checking and unchecking.
  • Radio Button: This custom field allows the customer to select a single variant for the product they want to buy.
  • Radio Image: These are similar to radio buttons, but the options and variants here are in the image format.
  • Radio Color: For your products with multiple colors, these radio color custom fields help the buyer in choosing their desired product color.
  • Date Picker: This custom field shows a calendar for the user to select a date for various reasons, mostly related to delivery details.
  • Time Picker: This is one important field that is used to select time for services that require appointments or reservations.
  • File Upload: This custom product extra option allows the customer to upload files like image samples for sharing details of their product customization.
  • Paragraph: Offers the option to add a paragraph i.e., a note for a product they want to gift or specific details for the product customization.
  • Google Map: Allows the user to provide the delivery details using Google Maps for accurate details. 

With the right custom product add-on WooCommerce plugin you get several field types to add to your product pages. 

How To Add WooCommerce Product Add Ons?

With the increasing competition for online stores to improve user experiences, interactions, and sales, it has become paramount to add custom product fields WooCommerce. There are usually three ways you can add these custom options and the options are:

  • WooCommerce built-in plugin
  • Custom coding–Error-prone and complex
  • A custom field product plugin for WooCommerce– Recommended

With the WooCommerce official plugin, you can add these product add-on options to your store, but they are somehow not so easy on your pockets. This is why choosing a third-party ultimate custom product for WooCommerce plugin is the ideal deal.

These are the steps you need to follow to get the features of this plugin:

  • Plugin Installation & Configuration

The first thing comes first and it is the installation of the plugin. To install this plugin, download the Custom Product file. Upload and activate the plugin from your dashboard. 

After successful installation of the plugin go to the configuration setting and make the useful and required settings. From the configuration setting, you can set new rules, edit existing rules, and sort the product fields. 

  • Include The Add-On Fields

To add new rules for products, you need to define the custom fields. To define these custom product fields, you have to choose the type of fields.

This plugin offers 19 field types to set fields for your products according to the product needs and preferences. 

  • Set Conditions & Pricing

This plugin also allows you to set conditional pricing for the products based on the field value. If the customer is choosing an add-on, the price will vary depending upon that user's choice. This plugin offers to add conditional logic like “AND “ and “OR” to set conditional dependencies and pricing.

It is not necessary to add an additional price for each add-on by the customer. You can offer different pricing for different add-ons and products with this plugin.

  • Sort The Fields

This plugin is not just an easy gateway to adding custom add-on fields for products, but it also offers sorting benefits. You have to drag and drop the fields to sort them without any complexities.

You can sort the custom fields for their significance and preference for a single product. This sorting of the fields enhances the user experience.

  • Save The Changes

After adding your required custom product fields and setting the preferences and conditions for each field, it is time to save the changes. Saving the changes will incorporate all your desired features into your WooCommerce product pages. 

For further details and step-by-step instructions on using the plugin, you can go through the plugin documentation.

Upsell With WooCommerce Extra Product Options!

Besides increasing interactivity and user experience, custom product fields for WooCommerce are a great source to uplift your sales game. With the addition of these fields, you are not only providing an opportunity for your customers to add extra product options but the sales rates as well. 

With such custom fields on your product pages, you are providing a customized and personalized shopping experience to your customers. However, any slight mistake in adding these product add-on options can damage your website’s performance.

So, you have to be careful in choosing the plugin for adding these custom WooCommerce product addon options to your store. Choose the plugin, that fits your needs well and does not affect your website’s security and integrity.