5 Best WooCommerce Stock Manager Plugins in 2024

October 21, 2024,
5 Best WooCommerce Stock Manager Plugins in 2024

For a WooCommerce site, the driving force is its stock and inventory, which need to be managed and monitored. Mismanaged stock not only creates hurdles in improving your sales but also results in poor user experiences. 

Imagine your customer visiting your site to order a product and it gets out of stock. It will make your customers reach out to your competitors which is the last thing you want for your eCommerce store. 

There is a wide range of products having different attributes that are on the product page. Managing your stock for its availability, stockouts, price, and other aspects manually seems impossible and a lot of work. All this can be achieved with a single stock manager for WooCommerce that makes stock management easier than ever. 

In this blog, we will discuss some popular WooCommerce stock management plugin in 2024 with some reasons why you need to install one. 

So, keep reading.

Top 5 Best WooCommerce Stock Managers

As of the year 2024, the amount of plugins to manage your WooCommerce stock is wide in numbers. However, there are only a few that you can count on to achieve your desired functionality. Each of these plugins has different payment plans with different features. 

The below-mentioned plugins are some popular stock managers for your Woo site in 2024:

1. Smart Manager

If your WooCommerce site has a large inventory, then this is the plugin you need to manage your stock. With its advanced management features available, you can perform multiple operations to manage the stock. It is not just the operational freedom that is attractive about this plugin, but the user-friendly dashboard it provides.

You can manage your inventory or products with different attributes and types effortlessly with this plugin. You can also use advanced filters like “AND” and “OR” to edit or manage your stock.


Some of the features this plugin offers are:

  • Offers advanced search and editing features
  • It offers a user-friendly interface
  • You can export your stock data in CSV format with multiple conditions enabled
  • You can make bulk edits with this plugin
  • You can customize the product columns 

You can get these features to manage your store’s stock by paying $199/year.

2. Stock Manager For WooCommerce

When managing your stock with great ease is what you are looking for, then the “WooCommerce stock manager"is the plugin you need to install. You do not have to get into the complexities of the back end to manage your stock, this plugin enables you to manage it from your store’s front end. 

To make the stock management more interesting and easy to understand, you can assign different colors to stack manage buttons with this plugin. From assigning red color to low-stock items to assigning green to in-stock items is all possible.


  • Manage the stock quantity, backorders, and status
  • Set a threshold for low-stock
  • Manage products by name and SKU’s
  • Hide out-of-stock items
  • Enable backorders for out-of-stock products
  • Manage stock for simple and variable products

You can get all these features to your site with this plugin for $49/year.

3. WooCommerce Multi Locations Inventory Management

For stores with operations in multiple locations, this is the plugin that can help manage the stock. With this plugin, you can manage the product details and inventory for various stores from your central dashboard. 

You can set the stock levels and alerts for multiple locations with this plugin. This plugin is not only helpful from the seller’s perspective, but the buyers can also get valuable information. The customers can get the details about the availability of their desired product in their locality and other stores. 


This plugin comes with these features:

  • Clustering your stores into groups based on the location for stock distribution and identifying the delivery area
  • Assign orders automatically to stores nearest to the customer’s shipping address
  • Display stock availability based on the store’s location
  • Transfer stock between the stores with low stock levels for timely availability
  • Get low-stock alerts based on your store’s location
  • Receive bulk stock details for all the stores

These are some basic features offered by this plugin for which you have to pay $99/year.

4. ATUM Inventory Management

Just like the stock manager plugin, the ATUM inventory management plugin also offers a user-friendly interface with advanced features. If you are looking for a free plugin to manage the stock, this is the plugin you can go with. However, for advanced features, you always have to go for the paid one. 

This plugin enables you to update and change the details about the product like sale price, SKUs, and purchase details in just a few clicks. It also allows you to manage these details with advanced filters for more quick and easy management of your stock.


The features you can get with this plugin are:

  • A centralized overview of the store’s inventory
  • Set alerts for low-stock items
  • Search and filter the stock with product name, SKU, date, stock levels, and more
  • Allows to generate purchase orders such as delivery date and received products
  • Detailed reporting and analytics to understand profitability margins
  • Set and track expiry details for perishable items

Some of the features of this plugin are free, While for advanced features $99/ year is required.

5. WooCommerce Out of Stock Manager

The name of this plugin is enough to understand the purpose of iterating this plugin into your online store. It is well suited for stores that want to have better control over their stock to avoid issues due to stock unavailability. With this plugin, you can customize the status of your stock by setting a minimum and maximum threshold.

For your stocks going below a specified threshold, you can receive low-stock alerts to make your timely arrangements for re-stocking. You can set an email notification for each product that meets the lower threshold after a purchase for that product is made.


The plugin offers these features for your WooCommerce store:

  • Lets you set low and high thresholds for your products  
  • Receive email notifications for low-stock alerts
  • Automatically update the stock status based on changing stock levels
  • Set the stock threshold in bulk
  • Allows setting the stock threshold for variable products and types
  • Export data in CSV for out-of-stock products
  • Set notifications for suppliers for each low-stock alert

The basic features of this plugin are free, but to get the premium features and benefits you have to pay a certain amount. 

Why WooCommerce Stock Management Plugin?

There are several available options from the WordPress directory to third-party sources to manage your WooCommerce stock. The built-in plugins are sometimes not sufficient and you have to explore third-party plugins to improve your stock management. It is highly required for your WooCommerce site because it can offer several benefits.

These are some of the reasons why your WooCommerce site needs a stock management plugin:

  • Avoid Overstocking & Stockouts

Overstocking and getting out-of-stock are the most faced inventory management issues. Overstocking and stockouts adversely affect your sales which is why managing your stock becomes paramount. Having unsold goods in your stock is holding up your capital and you may not gain the desired targets. Similarly, getting a lot of orders for items that are out of stock decreases your sales and profits.

  • Improved Inventory Management

Having prior knowledge about the items in stock and out-of-stock can help you improve inventory management. With a stock manager plugin, you can minimize the inventory management issues that are higher with manual methods. With the use of the stock management plugin, you have accurate data about the stock and can receive alerts for stock going below the minimum threshold. 

  • Bulk Stock Editing

Your inventory consists of multiple products with multiple attributes like color, size, type, and more. When it comes to editing inventory with these varying attributes you have to do it one by one with the manual method. But having the right plugin installed, bulk stock editing is possible. You can edit and manage the stock with varying attributes in bulk without any mistakes. 

  • Real-Time Inventory Tracking

Knowing the inventory status of each product after every sale is crucial. But with the manual method, this real-time inventory tracking is almost impossible and a hard nut to crack. With the stock management plugin for your WooCommerce site, you can track the inventory status after every sale. You will have a better idea of how much stock you are left with and when you need restocking. 

  • Reporting & Analytics

Your stock is your major source of identifying sales and customer preferences. Knowing which of your products have higher and owers sales and preferences helps you in improving your performance. This detailed report is acquired with the help of an inventory management plugin. With a suitable plugin, you can get detailed insights into your sales trends and customer preferences for your available products.

Manage Your Stock With The Best Plugin!

Knowing what is coming in and out of your stock is crucial to identify your sales growth and trends. It is not just the sales that make stock management important but other perspectives as well that help you in managing the inventory.

If you are struggling to manage your WooCommerce site, then you need to install an inventory management plugin that does most of your manual work. 

With the plugin installed, you do not have to spend most of your time tracking and monitoring the inventory manually. You will get the analytics and reports about your inventory without putting extra effort and improve your website performance and sales.